Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: Bangkok, i undtagelsestilstand

Oprettet af yindee d. 11-04-2010 11:17

når man læser denne artikel får man nemt den opfattelse at der er borgerkrig i thailand ((1((

google oversat se her http://translate....&tl=da

Ronin warriors' fire M79 grenades at troops: Khattiya

Maj-Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol said Sunday that the so-called 'Ronin' warriors or underground warriors helped red-shirt protesters battle troops on Saturday.

He admitted that the "unknown force" or "Ronin warriors" fired M79 grenades at troops and one M79 grenade landed at the tent of the commander of the operation, causing the troops to have no commander.

"This caused the troops to have no commander and caused them to lose the battle," Khattiya said.

"The Army commander thought the red shirts were easy to be crushed but there are not," Khattiya said.

kilde http://www.nation...27000.html